Line-up announced and tickets on sale for the 2019 Alexandra Farmstay Mini Fest
Hey there friends, we are currently on a big break from playing live (and loving it so far) We will however be jumping on stage for the annual Alexandra Farmstay Mini fest, Sat 21st September.
We adore this little family friendly shin-dig and not just because we help organise it This will be one of our only shows for 2019, helping raising funds for regional young people to attend Mittagundi
With only a limited amount of tickets for sale, make sure u book tix and camp spots early.
Camping/ Bar /Food Truck/ Kids Tent & more.
Ticket link: https://www.trybooking.com/BDXNE
$65 for adults, $20 for teenagers, $10 for kids, $140 for families
Location: Neri & Hylke’s Farm, Maintongoon Road, Alexandra.
Date: Saturday 21st September, 10am-10pm.
For those who want to camp a night earlier, you are invited to join us on the Friday eve for an open mic, bar and curries.